Career Talk


Metamo is metaverse career coaching platform!

Explore the future of career coaching in the metaverse! Engage with professional coaches through your avatar, anytime, anywhere. Benefit from a safe, immersive environment where you can openly discuss and strategize your career path. Start your journey on Cluster, with a free initial consultation!

\ Event Overview /

VR Career talk: 45min(Cluster or VRChat)
VRキャリアトーク:45分(Cluster or VRChat)

※First time trial :30min

Step Into Your Career Journey in the Metaverse – Where Dreams Meet Reality.

Metamo is a metaverse-based career coaching and talk event operated by Banso Works since 2021. Primarily using the Cluster app or the VRChat app, it takes place in a metaverse space where we discuss careers. You can also join unique world tours created by Japanese developers.

Unique features

Just a talk!
Essentially, this is not formal Consulting, but rather a Talk session where you can discuss everyday issues and concerns. Everyone is welcome to join us in a relaxed setting.
Professional Career Consultant
In the metaverse (VR), consultations are provided by Japanese national and private certified career consultants. They can offer advice based on their specialized knowledge.
 VR World Tour
Because it's a VR world, consultations aren't confined to formal settings like consulting rooms. Instead, you can have conversations while touring worlds that feature beaches, forests, typical Japanese temples, and natural settings. We can move between these worlds as needed during the consultation.

Customer`s voice 

Japanese / Female
I joined from Singapore. I'm interested in working in Japan in the future, and I was able to hear many helpful discussions. I'm also happy to have made many Japanese acquaintances.
Avater / Female
サンプル 太郎

Event Outline 

Date Everyday * We will adjust the start time based on your preferences.
Duration 45min
Qualification Those using VRChat or the Cluster app, and those experiencing difficulties working in Japan
Style 1on1
Consulting Fee First time free 
Place Metaverse World
How to Apply Please fill out forms below
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YOSHI|Banso Works

"Empowering Individuals with Career Vision"

Hi! I am Yoshi. I am Japanese and born in Tokyo. I am national qualified career consultant and US CCE-recognized GCDF-Japan Career Counselor. What I can do for you is - Career Advice or Coaching in Japan - Revising your Japanese Resume -Write Japanese Article by SEO rules Do contact me anytime 🙂


Please fill out the forms below